Deadline Information
Thursdays at noon (holidays excepted)
Wednesdays at noon (holidays excepted)
Wednesday at noon (holidays excepted)
How to Reach Us
(870) 942-2142
(870) 942-8823
204 N. Oak St., Ste. B, Sheridan, AR 72150
Monday to Thursday from 8 AM to 3 PM (holidays excepted)
We are closed on Friday for production purposes unless otherwise noted.
Please note:
Monday is our deadline day, and while we are open to assist you, we do ask your patience during this busy time if you are calling or visiting us on Monday!
To Submit an Article
You may email your article and photo to for possible inclusion.
You MUST include contact information including your phone number.
Your information will be forwarded to the appropriate department for review.
To Contact Staff
Byron Tate, Publisher:
Millie McClain, Managing Editor:
Jodie Jacks, Office Manager
Deadline Information
Classified and Display Advertising:
Real Estate Advertising:
Thursdays at noon (holidays excepted)
Wednesdays at noon (holidays excepted)
Wednesday at noon (holidays excepted)
How to Reach Us
(870) 942-2142
(870) 942-8823
204 N. Oak St., Ste. B, Sheridan, AR 72150
To Contact Staff
Byron Tate, Publisher
Millie McClain, Managing Editor
Jodie Jacks, Office Manager